Achieve MLM Success with SoftWebMLM's Monoline Plan

Welcome to SoftWebMLM, your trusted partner in MLM software solutions. Our Monoline Plan is designed to simplify your MLM business operations while maximizing your earning potential in a streamlined and efficient manner.

What is the Monoline Plan?
  • The Monoline Plan, also known as the Single Leg Compensation Plan or Straight Line Plan, is a unique and straightforward compensation structure in the MLM industry.

  • In this plan, all distributors are placed in a single straight-line structure, with each new distributor added to the bottom of the line.Commissions are typically earned based on the overall sales volume or performance of the entire organization, creating a cooperative and collaborative environment where everyone works together for mutual success.

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How Monoline plan works ?

Unlike most other MLM business plans, all you need to do is recruit one member and he is placed immediately under you. The next person who joins the team, whether recruited by you or by the member whom you recruited, is placed under the member you recruited.

Once you explain to prospects that whoever joins first will be placed on top of the next to join, prospects will want to join as early as they can. Moreover, there is no left leg, right leg, matrix, width or depth to satisfy. All they are expected is to join the company and start building the team as they see fit. And everyone who is already a part of the team stand to make a profit as the company grows. It is a win-win situation for all. Because of this simplicity and attractiveness of the plan, more and more companies are preferring monoline compensation plan.

Types of Income in Monoline Plan

  • Sponsor/Direct Income

    Sponsor or Direct income is income earned by referring someone in the system. For every direct referral, Networker gets paid by Sponsor income. Normally Sponsor/Direct income is Fixed amount of percentage of the package amount. In MLM Board plan companies have condition of compulsory Sponsors to keep network going.

  • Level/Member completion Income

    Single leg plan offers intriguing income which is level or specific member completion. Like if you will have 50 member under you in single leg you will earn X amount or they say 50 member completion level 1 then they can earn while completing level 1. In the same manner MLM Software Companies offer multiple levels.

  • Pair Matching Income

    Pair matching has two different ratios, first 1:1 till infinite depth and second 2:1 or 1:2 till infinite depth. Even 1:1 type can have tail single leg which means first matching will be 1:2 or 2:1 and afterwards 1:1 till infinite depth. Networker can earn Pair matching income as his/her tree grows. MLM Software Companies define Pair matching like fixed amount of percentage of Package amount.

  • Reward Income

    MLM companies offer rewards of number of directs of number of pairs matched. Basic funda of Rewards income is to keep active Networker in MLM business.

  • Rewards

    Rewards are additional bonuses that company announces when they want to raise team moral. Company provides this additional bonus when distributors will finish certain task set by company in certain period of time (fixed or variable), as a reward. It will be either in cash or in kind decided by the company.

Advantages of Monoline Plan

  • First come, first served. This is by far the main advantage of the Monoline plan. If you are the first to join, you stand to benefit more and quite justly so. This also encourages more and more members to join fast, which really helps in accelerating the company’s growth.

  • Simplest business plan to understand as well as explain. In the case of other plans, it takes time for newbies to understand the requisites of the plan and the commission structure. But with the monoline plan, the conditions to fulfill are easily understood. And new members are equipped to explain it and recruit others right away, without any training whatsoever.

  • Consistent opportunity for income. You are eligible to make income right from the moment you join the company. As long as the company continue to grow, there will always be a steady income for all team members. Needless to say, this is because new members will be joining the company, one way or another.

  • It is an attractive plan for distributors as compared to other MLM plans as they can earn commission without working.

Monoline Plan Software Uniqueness

Though having a few obvious disadvantages, there is no other MLM compensation plan as simple and straight forward as the monoline plan. The ease of recruiting and managing and accounting makes it one of the most preferred and popular business plans in the MLM business.

Though the commission structure is not so justifiable to newer members, it definitely encourages members to join as early as they can. This gives the much needed momentum to the company’s growth in the initial stages. At a later stage, the company can modify the commission structure or add requisites and conditions about minimum number of recruiting. This will balance the commission rates and also keep the company’s growth consistently.

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